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*All file types Allowed | Max 500 MB | 10 Files at Once
Oops! Uploading not available right now
*All file types Allowed | Max 500 MB | 10 Files at Once
Simply drag & drop your file into our uploader & get a shareable URL immediately.
We don't limit upload or download speeds for pro users, it's as fast as your connection.
You can download files without any pop up or display ads. Ads are blocked by us no need for adblocker.
Upload & share your files immediately, no registration required.
We never limit bandwidth or downloads, no matter how popular your file is.
Files can be share to those who have download link of your file only.
Our users can upload up to 10 files at once, instantly and smoothly.
You can even upload files directly from your mobile or tablet, it works just as well.
Watch Videos and listen to a music. No need to download media files completely.